Tips On How To Be An Architectural Photographer

by LongmanSex on Sunday, June 3, 2012

By Tommie Newman

Becoming a good architectural photographer requires commitment. One should not only have talent, but fondness for the job. Here are some tips to help you.

You will need equipment such as a digital camera, tripod, lights and special lenses. If you are on a tight budget for now, consider buying the wide angle lens first. It will allow you to capture structures and their surroundings. Take note that you will need software for editing as well.

Courses in photography and architecture should be taken. This is needed for the technical aspects. After all, you need the basics in the composition of a good picture. Also, with a background in architecture, it would be a breeze for you to find good shots. Clients would appreciate the fact that you have a background in these things.

Bring your camera wherever you are going. Some pictures are best taken when not planned. There could be that time when the sun hits the buildings just right. Knowing when to capture that priceless image will take you places. Get your creative juices flowing.

Offer your assistance to an expert. He will be able to help you out as you are starting. His techniques will be good. But you can be better. By combining some common knowledge and your talent would pave the way to your success.

Your portfolio should not only contain perfect photos but incomparable ones as well. Leaf through magazines and get inspiration from experts. It does not matter if you have less than ten photos in there. The important point is to include the pictures you are most proud of.

Those are just some pointers in becoming an Architectural Photographer. Always be aware of trends and new styles. In this way, you are updated. Just like fashion, this is a field with something new every now and then.

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