Samsung UN46D6900W LED 3D HDTV Set, Flat Screen Elegance

by LongmanSex on Saturday, January 14, 2012

By Carlton T Driver

Samsung has been a leader in the development of flat panel HDTV sets; it is one of the leading brands available. Their newest sets feature LED back-lighting technology, which eliminates the cold-cathode fluorescent lighting systems that were used by the first generation of LCD TV sets. The use of this LED technology has made it possible for them to design sets that are slimmer, and weigh less than earlier sets, yet produce substantially higher picture quality. The Samsung UN46D6900W LED 3D HDTV is a perfect example of this technical excellence.

Because an LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) doesn't produce any light, but instead functions like a shutter that adjusts the visibility of light as it passes through the display, all LCD displays require a back-light in order to be seen under dim lighting conditions. The LCD element of the screen simply functions as a "shutter" that either permits light to transmit through the display screen, or prevents it. It works like a very tiny venetian blind: when the crystals in a display element are lined up perpendicular to the screen, light is able to pass through the cell, and it will be bright. If the crystals are aligned parallel to the display, the transmission of light is stopped, and the element will appear black.

Consequently, while an LCD display can be seen in bright lighting conditions, to be seen in low intensity lighting situations - or to create a usable TV picture - there must be a light source behind the LCD display screen that provides the needed illumination, what is known as a back-lighting system. The earliest models of LCD TV sets were back-lit by a set of cold-cathode fluorescent tubes, which produce a white light. Every picture element, or more simply, "pixel" that goes to create a TV picture, is spot on the display screen that has three miniscule filters that pass the each of the three primary TV colors: red, green, and blue (RGB).

The UN46D6900W Samsung LED HDTV with 3D set uses an "edge lighting" method to provide the back-lighting for its image. With this approach, extremely intense white-light LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes) are located around the edges of the screen frame. A diffuser plate is used to distribute the light across the full face of the display. The use of an LED lighting system results in much lower energy consumption.

Using LED lighting makes it possible for Samsung to gain much tighter control over the brightness of specific areas of the screen. They have developed a system they refer to as "Micro Dimming", which permits them to change the level of the back-light from one area of the image to another, which means that the picture has more intense whites, and that the black areas are much darker and deeper than you will see with the older LCD sets, which are lighted with fluorescent lamps extending across the full width of the set.

This TV set is highly energy efficient: based on a watching the set for five hours per day, and an electricity charge of 11 cents per Kwh, it would only cost about $15/year to operate this set. When the set is not in use, it consumes just 0.07 Watts of power. That amounts to 0.6 Kwh/yr, which would cost less than $0.07 based on the same electric cost!

The UN46D6900W Samsung set is loaded with what Samsung terms "Smart Apps" - applications that make up the basis of their "Smart TV" platform. These "Apps" allow you to use the TV to work on the Internet, and download Web content from sites like Hulu Plus, Netflix, Pandora, and many others.

While some of the "Apps" must be purchased for one or two dollars (similar to iPhone apps), there is a very wide selection of Apps that are free, including games and children's material. Apps categories cover areas such as Lifestyle, Videos, Sports, Education, Information, and Games.

Having this set will significantly enhance your TV watching experience, and will make it easy to interface with all your other media needs, from your computer to the Internet. There are many other great features to be found in this set - check the website linked in the resource box for lots more information.

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