Traditionalists vs Artists of the Modern Font

by LongmanSex on Saturday, January 14, 2012

By John Mason

Could it be possible that artists can hate art? Can they who produced works of art end up mocking art itself? Would you be able to learn painting and use the knowledge and skill you have applied against other artists?

It might be highly ironic that an artist would hate the very reason why he's called an artist. But such examples does truly occur when some artists comes to a point that they begin to dislike art. But before going deep to explore this irony we must first familiarise ourselves with the varied nature of art. There are two types of art the traditional and the contemporary. Traditional art involves the use of ancient art techniques; conventional artists preserved and passed down this ancient style to their inheritors.

Contemporary art requires the utilization of modern techniques and scientific methods. Most although not all standard artists hate the up to date method because for them it destroys the true quintessence of art, art isn't just a method to express the emotion and thought but it has to carry with it the traditional forms and traditions of conveying such expressions. That explains why normal artists hate the latest system.

On the other hand modern artist who employs the modern means to express their artistry also have their moans against the conventional strategy. Some contemporary artists say that limiting art to the traditional methodology will hinder the development of art. And this can finally deprive a lot of artists the fortune to enhance the level of their art work.

Modern means in doing art is not contrary or against the standard methodology as a matter of fact it even augmented the finesse and beauty of ancient art forms. These are the instances wherein an artist will hate art. A traditionalsit may look at a modern piece of art and despise it. This could be the best irony in the art world yet sad to say that this irony really does exist and it might endure for a long while.

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