Key To Illustrating The Human Body

by LongmanSex on Sunday, February 19, 2012

By Manci Zeelgal

Many people thing that draw people and the human figure has to be difficult and time consuming. (Source: and

Well I don't think that's the case at all. If you know the process of drawing people, then it can actually be very easy to draw the figure. In fact, it can be very fun.

The first thing you need to do is get all the drawing equipments together. It's not much, just a pencil, drawing pad, eraser, and a pencil sharpener.

Before you begin drawing anything seriously, I highly recommend you warm up your drawing hand by doodling on a piece of scratch paper first.

This will loosen you up and will make the process of drawing much more fun and not frustrating.

You can doodle in any way you like. Just remember to make big gestures with your arm as well as your hand.

Once you've warm up, it's time to pick a picture for you to draw from.

Although it is much better for you to draw from real life, it is ok to start off by drawing from a photo.

In time, as you become better at drawing, you'll be able to draw from life more easily.

Once you have your picture, look at it and make a few observations of it.

Notice the pose that the figure is in and what angle you are looking at it from.

Once this is done, it's time to put pencil to paper and draw out the basic gesture of the person you are drawing.

You are not too concern with the details at this point. Just try to capture the basic outline of the figure.

Then you want to fill in the structure with basic geometry shapes.

For instance, you can use an oval in place for the head and a cylinder for the arms and so on and so on.

This is call drawing the manikin of the figure.

It's ok if this manikin doesn't look perfect. Remember, this is a skill that you are developing and it will get better over time.

After that, you will begin to add in the little details of the figure. If you know a lot about human anatomy, this will help a lot.

If you don't know that much about the human body, that's OK. You will pick up more knowledge on this subject as you go along.

And the last part is to shade your drawing to make it look more realistic and you are done!

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