Tracking Medals Through History

by LongmanSex on Thursday, February 16, 2012

By Anne Ellis

Companies would do well to give out medals as rewards to their top performing employees. The recipients get a boost of confidence and the other employees realize that they should be striving more for the prize. Medals are a symbol of excellence, so employees who receive one feel more positive about their work and strive to contribute more to the company.

Medals As A Classic Award

In ancient times noble people, military officers, and other equally accomplished individuals were the ones typically seen wearing medals. The upper class considered these items as jewelry, and the military treated them as awards. Even the religious used medals for certain purposes--as items for devotion or protection from either physical or supernatural harm.

Ancient medals were often made of valuable metals such as gold. But there were also other materials used like glass, tin, porcelain, paper, terracotta, wood and coal. During those times, there were no distinctions between one kind of medal and another, and a gold medal was just as honored as one made of tin depending on the person who gave it.

How People Make Medals

The word "medal" traces its origin to the Latin word "medalia" which is a half-denarius, a round-shaped Roman currency during ancient days. The current rounded design of medals comes from the original shape of the denarii.

Today, medals are still made from many different materials. Since creating a medal from valuable metals such as pure gold, silver and bronze can be costly, there are other choices available such as electroplated medals. With the introduction of a machine press, people can now make medals from any kind of material, whether it's fine metal, alloys, or even plastic.

Specially Designed Medals As An Art

Medals are still around today. Awards ceremonies still hand out medals to people who deserve an award for their accomplishment and excellence. The difference lies in the way the medal is designed. There are modern medals that are customized to be more meaningful to the time during which it is given. This has been made possible by the leaps in technology. Indeed, medal production has become more flexible than ever.

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One Response to “Tracking Medals Through History”

  1. nice idea..thanks for sharing...

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