The Bristol Birth Place of Country Music Museum

by LongmanSex on Sunday, May 20, 2012

By Audrey C. Howell

Who can believe that the point of etiquette rules is to help you to feel comfortable, not uncomfortable? The idea is that if there are standards that people abide by, then you can trust that you are behaving appropriately. It takes the guesswork out of public behavior. Some may think etiquette is a thing from our childhood, but it's still a vital concept to discover. You never know when it will come in handy!

Napkins belong in your lap. Large napkins can easily be folded in two or with a quarter folded over the top. They ought to never be tucked into your shirt as a bib. Wait for the host to unfold his napkin before unfolding yours. In a banquet setting or at a restaurant, simply place your napkin in your lap the moment you are seated. If you excuse yourself from the table, loosely fold the napkin and place it to the left or right of your plate. Don't refold your napkin or wad it up on the table either.

Some admired etiquette specialists will disagree and flatly claim that when leaving the table, you need to hang the napkin over the back of your chair. Whatever you do, do not put the napkin in the seat of your chair. You don't need to wipe your mouth with a napkin which has been left on the chair.

Dining out with your mates is not an excuse to become a slob. Nonetheless, dining etiquette guidelines are not as vital when ingesting a burger and fries at Chilis.

Do not concern yourself about ordering foods that are eaten with your hands - burgers, fajitas, sandwiches, etc. When sharing chips and salsa at your favorite Mexican food restaurant, do not concern yourself with transferring salsa to your own plate. However, never double dip. In other words, do not dip your chip, bite off a piece, and then re-dip your chip.

We really hope you take these tips into consideration when making a trip to Bristol to visit the Birth Place of Country Music Museum!

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