Affordable Handmade Art as a Unique Gift

by LongmanSex on Thursday, March 15, 2012

By Josh Shelley

I love to give gifts to my friends and family, but I always struggle with what to buy. My family is large enough that purchasing something expensive for each member is out of the question. I have been forced to use a little creativity to find something that will be exciting to receive yet affordable.

I feel a particular fondness for the small-time artisan who makes his living by turning his unique ideas into works of art. Some people would consider items in this price range to be more crafts than art, but that distinction is not particularly important to me. The creativity in these small items always inspires me. I find that it is usually appreciated by the recipient of the gift as well. It just makes you feel good to know that you are supporting the average guy who is pursuing the American dream in his own unique way.

I have found these unique items in a variety of places. I try to attend a few local art shows each year. Sometimes the prices at these events turn me off, but I often find great ideas that I can then locate on the web. The big online marketplaces offer these items, but I prefer to search out the artist's site directly. The big marketplaces take such a large portion of the sales proceeds, and leave little for the artist. I much prefer to give the majority of the money to the artist directly. Having sold on the web, there is nothing as nice as an order directly on your own site.

It is interesting to me that some small artisans do very well on the web. Artists have traditionally made less than half of the sales proceeds when they sell a piece of art. Online direct sellers can capture the majority of the money and therefore either do better themselves, or are willing to offer a lower price. Many online sellers of arts and crafts offer prices that are better than you would find elsewhere for the same item.

If you love it, buy it. It may not be there when you return. The beauty of giving handmade gifts is that they are unique. Unique is a two-edged sword. Once a unique item sells, it may never be available again. I can't tell you how many times I have gone back to buy that perfect handmade item, only to find that it is no longer being sold. I have never been sorry to own that unique item for a few extra days.

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