Finding out More about Chess Rules and the World Chess Federation

by LongmanSex on Thursday, March 8, 2012

By Joe Yulchinsky

In each game there is a governing body aimed at the upkeep and regulation of the guidelines including the game. If you would like to learn how to play chess then this is significant for you to grasp. In chess one of the governing bodies is the FIDE or Federation Internationale des Echecs most typically called the World Chess Federation. Setups such as the FIDE were not first to document the guidelines of chess. It was as early as 1497 when man named Luis Ramirez de Lucena authored a book regarding chess rules. However the approval for chess quickly rose and tournaments and clubs were growing everywhere. This event requested the standardizing of the rules and that's the primary role of the governing body.

Founding of the FIDE:

The World Chess Federation was formed on July 24 1924 in Paris France with the motto 'Gens una sumus ' meaning 'We are one people'. Originally their first action to form a global federation for chess started in April of 1914 at St. Petersburg. In July of 1914 another try was made in the Mannheim Global Chess Contest. At the Gothenburg Competition another attempt for the founding of an international chess federation was made once again in 1920. It was not till 1922 when the then chess master Eugene Znosko-Borovsky commented the French Chess Federation would host a world chess contest he would be participating at in Paris.

Eventually the participators of the Paris chess competition founded the World Chess Federation or FIDE on July 20 1924 originally as a union between chess players. Later on 1 or 2 congresses have been manufactured by the FIDE which voiced a few issues regarding both the federation and chess. The 1925 and 1926 FIDE congresses were targeted in the need to become involved in the management of world chess championships. During those years they cheerfully evolved the London Rules for chess tournaments. During the third congress in 1926 the federation decided to organise a Chess Olympiad. However since the majority of the invites were sent late only four nations participated including Hungary Yugoslavia Romania and Germany.

By the year 1927 the FIDE had started arranging the First Chess Olympiad this was also the fourth congress which was held in London. A few titles had been considered like the World Team Championship and the Competition of States. However only the name Chess Olympiad became the hottest title of the tournament. Ultimately during the year 1948 the FIDE had cited the process as to how competitors for the World Championship would be selected especially in a three-year cycle. First affiliated nations would let players compete at Zonal Contests and those that topped the competition would enter Interzonal events. Players who placed high in those events would qualify for the Candidates Contest along with whoever lost the previous match for the title and the second-place rival. FIDE Today During the 1970s Max Euwe then a president of the FIDE strove to extend in the amount of member nations in FIDE. The movement fronted by Max Euwe ultimately led to the currently 158 member nations of FIDE.

It was in the year 1999 when the World Chess Federation was recognized by the IOC or the World Olympic Board. Two years after that the federation introduced the committees anti-drugs rules to chess as an element of their campaign for the game to become a part of the Olympics.

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