Life Of A Musician

by LongmanSex on Sunday, July 7, 2013

By Lori Buenavista

As a parent, you want to provide as much opportunities and learning activities for your child as you can. If you've enrolled your child in music classes, or are thinking of doing so, you've made a great decision. Understanding how to play a musical instrument will enrich your child's life in lots of ways: she'll come in contact with wonderful music, gain self-esteem, learn discipline and organization skills and even perhaps increase math skills, reading comprehension and artistic abilities.

If you enroll your son in Little League, you most likely don't assume him to try out for the New York Yankees as an adult. Though you've enrolled him in music lessons, you probably don't expect him to perform for the Boston Symphony, either. However, if your child continues with lessons in order to play well, he'll be a musician, which will contribute to his identity throughout life. Let's check out the ways in which your child could be a musician and what that might necessarily mean.

Being a musician who plays for himself and those closest to him, he can play his instrument so as to bring himself fulfillment. He will play in times of emotional stress or difficulty, and his music will help him work out his problems. He will play for his spouse or significant other, and his music will help him bond closer to that person. He may find another musician as a wife; someone who comprehends the effectiveness of music in one's personal life. He will play music for his children, and teach them the significance of surrounding themselves with the beauty of music in their lives.

Like a musician who teaches others, your youngster may choose a teaching career in music; either as a full-time instructor, or as a home-based business in addition to another career. She might teach music to children in a school setting, where she'll help and inspire the next generation of music artists. She might set up lessons in her dwelling. As a part-time business, training music lessons provides her flexible working hours, the capability to choose her clients and a nice hourly income. She might coach music at a university, where she will present her musical experience and knowledge, and make a successful, enjoyable career, surrounded by other people who are learning and teaching music throughout their lifetimes. She may teach her own children to play. The time she spends at this task will bring her nearer to them, and enhance their lives.

As a skilled musician who plays for other individuals, your kids might go on to a professional career, enjoying music. He will inspire men and women of any age, who will tune in to his tracks, gain knowledge from it, relax to it and savor it. He will love a job that enables him to meet lots of people from a variety of backgrounds, and perhaps travel the world. He will not stop learning as a professional musician, which means that his life will often be filled with new challenges, fresh encounters and new learning experiences.

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