The New Trend Of Turban Colors

by LongmanSex on Tuesday, July 2, 2013

By Freda Watts

Seasons change and so do tastes and preferences. But some things do not and it is better that they do not. And one of those things is turban colors. The spirit with which this change in fashion trends was accepted by people and the way it has remained unchanged is testimony of its popularity.

Earlier in the days people only saw two colors as being socially acceptable, black and white. But these days are gone now. The men of today are as interested in fashion as the women and they are not hesitant to try their hand at different color combinations either. This is truly the era of the emergence of the metro sexual male.

The tradition of wearing turbans is followed in many countries like India, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran etc. A lot of religions too dictate wearing of turbans like Islam, Sikhism and Hinduism etc. In some cultures the turbans are worn on an everyday basis, while in others they are worn only on special occasions.

Sikhism is an example of a religion where every follower has to cover his head with one of these every day without fail. The style may be different, but wearing turban is mandatory. We also have Hinduism where people are not required to wear them every day but on certain occasions as weddings, family functions or religious days etc.

Many people, in western countries, are not even aware this piece of garment. It is a long piece of fabric, rectangular in shape, which is worn by wrapping it around your head. There are different styles of wrapping a turban and one can decorate it with sequins too or simply give it a fashionable look. You can choose the type of fabric you want as per your comfort or convenience. The commonly used fabrics are either silk or cotton.

Although it is a piece of garment but its uses are many. People who live in desert areas wear it for the practical purpose of keeping sand out of their hair and to protect themselves from the scorching sun. In some regions it is worn to demarcate and differentiate nobility from the common people.

It is also worn as a mark of respect like in the case of Sikhs. They do not cut their hair and so wearing a turban helps them keep their hair away from dust and from the sun. It is also a sign of identification, as was mandated by their guru, Guru Gobind Singh.

Kalansuwa is another type of turban that is worn by Muslim elders. It is a cloth that is wrapped around a cap. The Muslim religion does not require everyone to wear a kalansuwa, but people do wear them out of their own wish.

Initially when this practiced was adopted it was restricted to religious men and devout followers. And they only wore the color white. But as it was adopted by the general public, various other trends also emerged and people started showing a preference for different colors and designs. As a result there are many shops that cater specifically to this need. We even have online stores from where such purchase can be made. Turban colors really do add color to your life.

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