Amazing Publicity Will Get Good Spy Novels Out To The Reader

by LongmanSex on Sunday, July 8, 2012

By Elinor Tran

Good spy novels do not happen by mistake. They must be woven carefully making a person want to keep reading and not go to bed. Just because one is a solid technical scribe, it doesn't mean that they can just write in any genre. It takes a special mind to put this type of tale out there well. And a special creative person who understands what the public is yearning for to market it.

The main character should be one that has an impossible mission and the brains to figure it out. That or they must have a sidekick that has these characteristics and a main person who gets the credit. No matter which way one goes, add a vice or two to make them more believable.

Enter the villain who must have a wonderful motive and a heart of coal. The crime must be devilish and compelling to keep the reader turning those pages. If it is really good, the audience will be tempted to turn to the last page to see if they have guessed right.

Putting the plot to paper before actually getting into the writing of the story is important. If it is not all figured out and a person scribes willy-nilly the reader will be able to spot this a mile away. Fans of this type of book love to be surprised.

The marketing department comes in next to get the book to the public. The advertisements must be memorable and leave the viewer with a question. A good department will be intriguing and make the public feel that knowing this story is a must.

The thing that writers of good spy novels all have in common is that word has gotten out about their stories. Don't stop until the perfect marketing company is found and makes the story so anticipated there are people lined up for blocks to buy it. Letting the public know about the story is crucial to its success.

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