Check With Yourself, Are You Currently A Poker Fish Or Shark Around The Table?

by LongmanSex on Tuesday, July 17, 2012

By Elbert Nghe

We must ask ourselves, are you a poker fish or shark, when money is on the line. Poker is a game of quiet intensity and playing it with fierce determination is the only way to win consistently. Bleeding in the water will only get you eaten by the big whoppers.

Luck and skill are both factors in making a mark at the poker table. Drawing poorly will make anyone want to weep. However the real players will make any hand a good one. Bluffing and raising like the cards are there can change the game if you do it right. Taking the time to read the opponents and choosing who and when to strike will save the bank and win the day.

A real card shark needs to be like ice, frozen in appearance and willing to wait for the right moment to act. The little guppies will jump and splash in the pool, trying to make an impression. A real predator can be like a statue, waiting for the moments that change the outlook of game and giving the big pots to the fiercest beast in the ocean.

Knowing the difference between a big shot and a small fry just takes a little awareness. When you find the top players in your area it is good to take up the challenge to help raise your game. Of course the truest way to step it up a notch is to continually challenge the best at the game. Consider it practice for profit. Getting good always takes a little work, in this case the work is a beautiful game of skill and chance.

Whatever your current level of play, trusting those instinctive urges will raise the stakes and can be a huge advantage over he competition. Sharks never fail to strike when they smell blood in the water. Waiting and watching is great, but acting in the moment of need will be the difference between a big win or a bad loss.

The waters can appear calm at any moment in a big round of cards. Players will show no fear or hesitation if they know that they can hold themselves in there with anyone. It pays to know what your skill level has become. Diving into the game with blinders on will get you eaten up in seconds. Broke and beaten, and with nothing to show for it. Be prepared and play with confidence.

Go to the table with flare and passion. Eat up the competition and make a profit at the same time. Respect and admiration are sure to follow if you show that you are a the biggest and best in the water.

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