Famous Stanford Students

by LongmanSex on Friday, July 27, 2012

By Mitt Ford

Stanford University is situated by the side of Silicon Valley and San Francisco. Stanford breeds a certain type of graduate, alumni have carried on to change the shape our world , sometimes insidious and other times deep ways. The following article will highlight noted alumni from the avenues of technology, politics and sport.

Will Hewlett And David Packard

Hewlett Packard was developed in a garage , by Stanford students William Hewlett and Dave Packard, before re-locating to Silicon Valley. The fact that Stanford and Silicon Valley are so close to each other is no coincidence. Why?Its because Stanford graduate's have played such a crucial role in developing the one of the leading centers of global technology.

Herbert Hoover

Both President's Herbert Hoover and John F. Kennedy attended Stanford. However, you may be surprised to learn while one graduated, another dropped out. Hoover actually claimed to be Stanford's first ever student, while Kennedy dropped out in 1942. Other notable students include former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Israeli and Japanese Prime Minister's Ehud Barak and Yukio Hatoyama.

Reese Witherspoon

Reese Witherspoon, star of many Hollywood films, leads a number of Showbiz stars who have attended Stanford University. Others include, A Beautiful Mind star, Jennifer Connolly, Ted Danson and Sigourney Weaver. Incredibly though, only Weaver graduated as the others finished prematurely to concentrate on their careers, or in Danson's case, transfer. Weaver graduated in 1972 earning a bachelor in Arts.

Tiger Woods

Tiger Woods is maybe the most famous athlete to have attended Stanford. Woods enrolled at the university in 1994 under a golf scholarship. He left 2 years later to concentrate on his career. Ryan Nelson is a soccer player is a Stanford graduate, he is currently signed by Spurs in London. During his time at Stanford, Nelson was ranked MVP and graduated with a bachelor's degree in Political Science.

Huge thanks for taking a moment of your time for this brief foray into a glittering cast of Stanford alumni. For more information please take a moment to visit our website.

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