Digital Camera Tips- How Many Mega pixels Do We Need?

by LongmanSex on Tuesday, July 24, 2012

By Dan Feildman

The number of features that come with a digital camera can be overwhelming and knowing what these features really mean can be a task in itself. From ISO to exposure, how do you know what you need? Here we are going to take the guesswork out of knowing how many mega pixels your photography will require. First let's make sure we know what a megapixel actually is:

Megapixel is a fancy term for "million pixels". A single pixel is the smallest unit of color that a camera's sensor is able to capture. The more pixels the sensor can capture the sharper the image the camera can replicate. When comparing cameras, mega pixels can be abbreviated as "MP".

So how exactly do we know how many pixels we need from our camera? The first step is to have in mind what your intent is for your images. This is important when the purpose for the images require a high resolution digital photo. Photos for only the computer screen need only a low resolution image, making any camera adequate if that is your only need from your photos. High resolution photos are most frequently needed for printing or developing pictures. Using this example, lets use the goal of printing photos to address our question about mega pixels.

Next we must determine the largest print size we would like of our photo. Let's presume that we won't be needing poster-sized images of our photos for wallpapering our home, so poster prints will fall into the "seldom or never" category. With extreme sizes eliminated, we have the three most common photo sizes to think about. According to online photo labs, the following minimum resolutions are adequate to create high quality prints:

4 x 6": 640 x 480 pixels (0.3 mega pixels) 5 x 7": 1024 x 768 pixels (0.8 mega pixels) 8 x 10": 1536 x 1024 pixels (1.6 mega pixels)

I have found from my own experience that my 3 megapixel camera is the minimum that I would want for an 8 x 10" print. Any less will start to show pixilation upon close inspection. Through trial and error, I would suggest doubling the above megapixel recommendations when considering a camera. This tutorial has shown that if we only want 4 x 6" prints, then 0.6 megapixels are plenty. Most digital cameras start at 2 mega pixels, which is adequate to generate quality prints up to 5 x 7".

Once you know how many mega pixels are required for your photo needs, you can move on to mastering the other features of your camera and be another step closer to producing the highest quality images possible.

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