A Review Of The Canon 2044B002 Telephoto Lens

by LongmanSex on Tuesday, September 25, 2012

By Patrice McCoy

So you may fancy yourself a photographer or maybe want to get a little more serious with your photography. You probably have the basic Canon EOS 650 camera body and want to get a little more serious with your shooting. Well if you buy the Canon 2044B002 lens to get started you could be well on the right track.

Nowadays, the later Canon EOS models usually comes bundled with the 2044B002 telephoto lens. If you opt to buy it separately however, this can be done too. This article covers some basic information on the pros and cons of this popular telephoto lens.

Probably the most salient feature of this lens is its price. On average you can get one for under two hundred dollars, which is fairly cheap when compared to other telephoto lenses in the market. It has a focal length of from 50mm to 255, and is definitely one you can use for great zoom shots. Its built in stabilizer is an added bonus for the more sensitive shots where you need a steady hand.

Canon swears by its heavy weight features despite its small size. Coming in at a little under a pound in weight and a length of only a little over four inches, Canon believes that it can meet the demands of even the most seasoned photographer or hobbyist.

The lens is really designed for outdoor use, so you may be a bit disappointed if you want to use it indoors. Most users have preferred using this lens for sports and outdoor events, especially beginners., enabling shots as slow as one fifteenth of a second. More adept users find the best use for the lens in terms of shooting landscape and scenery and wildlife photos. Some have even said that it can be used for great outdoor shots in the evening.

In addition many have commented on its ease of use and interchangeability alongside its fast and accurate autofocus. This gives images greater quality with a good range of being able to zoom in and out when needed.

There will be pundits and there will be detractors, and this lens is not exempt in this aspect. Critics say that due to the cheap price, Canon may have left the construction of the casing wanting in some respects. That is that they find it a bit soft and flimsy. Others also say that the aperture needs to be bigger and the autofocus needs to be improved a bit more.

As with all kinds of products, you cannot please everyone. But for an entry level telephoto lens, the Canon 2044B002 manages to hold up on its own. Its built in features packaged in a small and compact casing at an affordable price makes this a great entry level piece of equipment for those thinking of taking their photography one step further.

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