I Had A Ton Of Fun In The Color Run That I Participated In A Couple Days Ago

by LongmanSex on Sunday, September 16, 2012

By Sammey M. Osborne

A few days ago, I got a picture in the mail from one of my best friends who had moved away to Utah, and the picture was of her and some of her friends completely covered in bright colors, participating in a color run! Before I received that picture in the mail, I had never heard of a color run, but looking at that picture, I was overcome with the urge to participate in one. I was so intrigued that I asked my friend what had made her want to participate and she told me the entire story.

She said that she had been feeling a little bit restless, and when she mentioned this to her boyfriend, he smiled secretively and told her to wait a couple of days. Even though she pried and prodded, he would say nothing about his mysterious secret. A few days later, he showed up at her door and told her to change into some running clothes and get in his car.

The two of them had gone running together frequently, but she could tell he was up to something else, so she was beside herself with excitement. After a quick drive, they stopped at their destination and she noticed that there was a big crowd of people there. Her boyfriend led her through the crowd to a registration table where they were both given a packet of unique items including a t-shirt and a number.

When she saw that it was a 5k run, she assumed that it must be a charity race, and she was pretty eager to start a good race. She was expecting an extreme competition, but as the race started, she noticed that the feeling was very relaxed and everyone just seemed really happy and enjoyed a sense of camaraderie. After running a short way, she was thrilled to find that the runners were doused with vivid colored powder. It was an awesome cloud of vibrant colorful powder, and everyone was shouting and laughing as everyone let out their feelings of excitement.

These surprise sprays of colored powder kept coming around every ten minutes, and each time it was a different color. By the time they achieved the finish line, she was covered from head to toe in a bright rainbow of colors. After hearing this, I was inspired and decided to participate in the color run that was going to take place in my city a couple weeks later. The color run was all that I had wished for, and I felt completely pumped up and happy being covered with bright happy colors and surrounded by friendly people.

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