Be Updated On The Urban Turban

by LongmanSex on Sunday, June 30, 2013

By Leonor Rivera

It is good for every human being to be educated on urban turban because even if they do not use them people around them use them. Being naive is not encouraged at all; it is good to be as informed as possible in different fields. The head scarfs are worn for different reasons as will be discussed in this document.

A study about urban turban shows that the head scarfs are worn by people for different reasons. Most people wear the head scarf as a sign of being in a certain group of people. Depending on the people the group can be to show that the people who wear these scarfs are in a good economic class.

Some religions have their people use their head scarfs. Depending on the religion some may want their people to have the scarf all days of their lives where others are used only when going to the area of worship.

One, they are used to prevent cold. Leaving ones head open for the cold to get there is endangering the health. Diseases related to cold are very many and as prevention has always been better than cure it is good to take precautions.

Depending on the weather one can wear the head scarf to prevent the weather effect. If someone uses some chemicals to neutralize their hair they may want to maintain the hair to remain looking good. If the weather is wet and there is some drizzling one can cover their hair if they have nothing to use.Still if one has shaved all their hair they will need to cover their head to void the rain form affecting them. Not only can one cover the head because it is rainy but they can cover it when it is cold. Covering most of the body parts including the ears and neck will prevent sicknesses that are associated to cold.

Still on the weather someone may have made their hair so good that they do not want it to be rained on. So they end up covering the hair to prevent it from spoiling for example the relaxed hair. Some of the relaxed hair can cut off if the come in touch with water and not well treated.

On the windy days one may require to cover their head from the wind effect. If the wind hits a fully shaved head they can cause head-aches and as always prevention is better that cure. So this makes some people to carry a head scarf with them just in case it become windy they use it.

A study about urban turban shows that there are different types of the head scarfs depending on their colors. Sometimes some colors are worn to mean something. Like in some parts of the world they may use black scarfs during burials and ceremonies that may not be out of happiness. The white scarfs can then be used during great ceremonies like weddings and any other gathering that may because of great achievement like the graduation ceremonies.

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