The Reunion that Prompted Kris Kardashian to Take a Lie Detector Test

by LongmanSex on Monday, August 27, 2012

By Ace Antonio

Would you reunite with the man you cheated on your first husband with? Well, Kris Kardashian did just that during an episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians. She set up a meeting with Todd Waterman, the man she had an affair with during her first marriage to Robert Kardashian. Current husband, Bruce Jenner, was unaware of the secret meeting. Kris claimed she needed "closure" on the affair....even though it ended over 23 years ago!

Kris does eventually come clean with Bruce about the secret meeting with Waterman. She says that she believes she made a mistake by ever setting up the meeting. Bruce is understandably upset and tells Kris he doesn't see how he could possibly trust her again.

If you've ever watched Keeping Up With the Kardashians, you know that Bruce doesn't get much respect around the house. In this case, though, Kim, Khloe, and Kourtney took his side and were very upset with Kris. The girls sat down and came up with a specific set of questions that they wanted answers to. They then confronted Kris and asked her to take a lie detector test so they could have some honest answers. Surprisingly, Kris readily agreed to take the test.

The girls obviously wanted answers as to the real reason for the meeting with Waterman. Did Kris really need to get closure for the relationship or did she set up with meeting with the intention of starting another affair with Waterman? Along with the questions about Kris Kardashian's secret meeting with Waterman, the girls asked questions about Khloe's real father.

After all of the drama, Kris did pass the lie detector test. When Kris answered some of the questions about her meeting with Todd Waterman, there was a spike in the needle. The expert giving the test said that this was not an indication that she was lying...just an emotional response to the questions about her former lover. The girls were happy that Kris passed the test and everything was back to "normal" in the Kardashian household.

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