Thrilling Time Provided By Good Spy Novels For All People

by LongmanSex on Friday, August 31, 2012

By Mitzi Fitzgerald

People love good spy novels for the excitement and the action that they contain. Stories are mainly the remnants of grandma's dreams and the problems of today. Of course, there is no stopping the youth of today form achieving what he wants.

There are some really good ones but there are some boring ones too. Every story has a beginning and an end and what comes in between is the story. Since every person has a different definition of excitement, it is very difficult to classify a thrilling novel. It is very easy to classify good spy story books if one knows what one is dealing with.

There are different categories for stories, some of which are not easily identifiable. Romance and love stories are easily identifiable while spy thrillers, mysteries and science fiction are as shadows that hide more terror than enlightenment.

Success of the writer is measured in the number of copies that are sold. The numbers are a staggering 100 million or 200 million. If Charles Dickens shook the world with his A Tale of Two Cities (1839) and if Agatha Christie created a storm with her And There were None other authors like J. R. R. Tolkien was not going to be left behind. His Lord of the Rings sold 150 million while The Hobbit sold a 100 million.

If one takes a look at the best-selling novels one finds The Bourne ultimatum (Robert Ludlum) along with Thirty Nine steps by John Buchan at the top of the list. Other books are 'The spy Who came In from the Cold, by John le Carre and Erskine Childers Riddles In the Sand.

Teens seem to prefer their own version of thriller books. Stormbreaker (Anthony Horowitz), Killgame: a Gaia-Moore Novel Francine Pascal (Simon Pulse), Specialist Model spy (Shannon Greenland), Traitor (Andy Mcnab) and The squad: Perfect cover (Jennifer Barnes Lynn).

Spy stories describe the story about how the detective describes the enemy within his own territory and the dangers he had to undergo to overcome it. The thrill is often concealed in the method the detective or spy uses to disentangle the enemy and becomes victorious.

The reason the spy thrillers are classified according to age is that they all follow the reasoning process of age category. Thus, the spies in the adult thrillers think and act in a sophisticated manner. The children prefer a plainer and more cut and dried method for their spy to follow.

Some stories have mesmerized several generations of people. Ranking among these are James Bond immortalized by Ian Fleming, 'The man who Was Thursday' written by GK Chesterton and 'The day of The Jackal' by the famous Fredrick Forsyth.

Among the good spy novels writers were Baroness Orczy, Somerset Maugham, Helen McInnes and Ira Levin. They were able to create stories that were thrilling right up to the very last page. These were writing that were meant to create the understanding about detectives and about police investigation among the ordinary people. However, most readers are just looking for fun

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