How To Create Your Own Gourd Art Designs

by LongmanSex on Friday, October 12, 2012

By Carmella Rolls

An accomplished gourd artist can make a lot of money selling his/her work. Indeed, it is a craft that really unites the practical and the beautiful and can be greatly fulfilling, too. However, starting out can be a complicated process. Here are some solid tips on how to start your business for gourd art designs.

A well-made piece is reliant, of course, on a top quality gourd. Look for items that are symmetrical, with smooth outer surfaces and thick skins. Avoid those with too many imperfections.

It is possible to order your item from the internet. Specialized gourd farms tend to have websites from which you can place orders. You can also order over the phone. However, it is much more economical to go to the farm in person and select your material first-hand.

Start your project with a good clean. Gourds should be soaked in water for 10 to 20 minutes, and then scoured. Ensure that the piece stays submerged in the water by weighing it down. Experts recommend the use of a heavily soaked towel or cloth. Note that thinner pieces, or ones with cracks and damages, tend to break in the water and therefore should sit for too long.

Remove it from the water, and then give it a thorough scrub. The best tool to use for this procedure is a wire scourer or mesh. This will adequately remove all flakes of loose plant tissue and impacted dirt, without any damage.

Cutting requires a lot of preparation, and selecting the right tools for the job is complicated. Certain designers enjoy using a simple saw blade addition to a Swiss Army-type knife. Professionals, however, use mini-saws that are designed for the sole purpose of cutting gourds and other organic materials. Cover your nose and mouth with a surgical mask or cloth before you start cutting, so as to avoid inhaling dust particles.

Once you have opened it, clean out all dried seeds and tissue. This can be done with a hand-scraping device, or simple sandpaper. Polish the piece with good-quality shoe polish, leather dye or wood finishing.

It is possible to purchase some high-quality wood and gourd ink for your project. This material dries well in the sun, and lasts for a long time. But, acrylic paints also work adequately. Woodburn patterns should be made with specialized woodburner apparatus, which can be bought for about twenty five dollars a piece.

This information will ensure that you get off on the right foot for the creation of your gourd art designs. These objects work well as functional and aesthetic gifts. So explore your creative side and get crafting!

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