When Creationism And Evolution Coexist Ideas Come To Life

by LongmanSex on Saturday, October 6, 2012

By Alexandra Anderson

When creationism and evolution coexist the foundation of the beginnings of life start to change. For some people, this could be a bad thing. For others, it opens up a new pathway of thought that sparks ideas. There is no reason why there might not be a way for the two sides of the debate to see the benefit in allowing the issue to rest.

The struggle of today regards what is being taught in the classrooms and what is not. Free thinking young people can come up with all kinds of new and improved ideas for just about everything. Those who are taught only one way is the right way grow up to be much more rigid in their creative process. Letting kids know even in the classroom that there are different beliefs and there is evidence to support each belief simply opens them up to new ideas and acceptance of the other's right to think on their own as well.

Explaining to children why the debate on this topic can get so heated is a very difficult thing to do. When people passionately argue their viewpoint they make very little headway convincing anyone they are right. In fact, that can be the exact reason someone stops listening.

When the mind can remain open it can entertain more potential ideas. The less judgment that is carried through the process the more likely new ideas will enter into the consciousness and become a viable possibility. Doing this impact all thought, which can lead to a much more peaceful planet.

Scientific evidence can be used to support theories. It can also be used as guideposts for pointing research in the right direction. Using evidence to support theories is a tricky thing to do and still be open minded. You cannot always get absolute answers from the past. When digging into a very distant past the idea that you might not be finding crucial evidence that would change the theory is one that needs to be considered. Open discovery without an investment in the result is the path to truth.

It is possible to discover evidence for theories that most people will reject. Alien life forms as humanity's ancestors, for example, can be a legitimately explained idea if the proper evidence is found and presented. Beliefs can be a highly powerful motivator when looking for evidence. This is especially the case when it comes to creationism and evolution because there are aspects of religion involved.

This is not necessarily how others feel. Evolutionists often feel that God gave every creature Divine Intelligence in order to be able to adapt to a world He knew was going to change dramatically. Creationists often feel that the image humanity was created in counts a great deal toward their faith. It is all a matter of perspective.

If creationism and evolution coexist then all different thoughts can be explored with broader minds and more attention to the details that evidence points to. The varying ideas that are brought together when opposition no longer exists can be mind blowing. Peace is found in respecting another's right to believe differently than you without being a threat to you.

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