Perfect Piano Practice to Learn Faster

by LongmanSex on Friday, October 12, 2012

By Adrian Jones

A lot of people don't actually want to 'learn' to play the piano or 'practice' the piano, they merely want to 'play' piano. 'Play' may seem like fun, 'practice' seems like a chore. We have this picture from childhood - some kid stuck indoors 'practicing' scales while all the other children are outside the window 'playing'.

So, one thing we must do is to see our piano practice from a new light. View it as a means of speeding the training process to ensure that SOON you'll be ready to 'play' piano and play it well. For those who don't practice and you only play old familiar tunes you progress rather slowly. Yes, you'll get better at playing those old familiar tunes but technically you won't be pushing yourself to greater heights.

Proper, arranged piano practice helps you stride forwards. I say 'proper' since a lot of people have a concept that practice IS only playing songs time and time again. Practice ought to involve unchartered territory. The golden rule is - 'practice the things you CAN'T play, not whatever you CAN play'.

For a start, decide what you wish to accomplish. Do you want to know every one of your chords without thinking of the way they are formed - then figure out an exercise routine that leads to that goal. Maybe you want to find out about inversions or chord substitution - again, make the practice fit the goal.

Split your practice time into two sections. In the first half have fun playing the difficult stuff - the mind is sharper in the first place - then treat yourself with some enjoyable but reasonably challenging tunes. Make sure you are comfortable. Many a bad back has happened due to a stool at the wrong height. Make certain your piano is tuned. If you don't have a very good piano and are serious about learning, GO BUY A GOOD ONE.

Every 15 minutes stretch your shoulders, arms and fingers, roll your neck to combat stiffness. Consider some Yoga exercises for shoulders and back.

Go through the 3x daily rule. Repetition in practice is a must. If you learn something especially challenging make sure you practice it a minimum of three times each day. Don't fret when it takes months to perfect - you'll get there.

Don't play to your neighbors. Practice piano at a time when you don't care who's going to be listening so that you can make lot's of mistakes and keep playing over and over. Organize your piano songs properly - don't leave it in a heap where you keep playing the ones on the top. Should you download written music keep it in a folder. Have ample shelves near the piano. Be sensible - I seriously feel that you can learn piano and learn it to an enjoyable level but no two individuals are the same - some are certainly more 'naturally' gifted than others. If you have an average ability then it's all up to practice. The more you practice the better you learn.

Now and then, practice with your eyes closed - or don't look at the keys - this truly sharpens you up. Organize yourself so that practice is possible (this where Mindfulness comes into play). So many people think they don't have enough time to practice when really they simply haven't found enough time. How long should you practice - that's up to what you would like to achieve. You don't need to be a concert pianist. Even when you just play for yourself, just get pleasure from that. The archer who's mind is on the prize can not stay focused on the target. Accept the bad days when it feels like you can't play a note. Sometimes it's better to walk away. So keep in mind that 'playing' piano and 'practicing' piano are different. Which do you do? Shoot for a little bit of both.

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